What Is Tubewell?

Are you curious to know what is tubewell? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about tubewell in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is tubewell?

Access to clean and reliable water is a fundamental necessity for human life and societal development. In many regions worldwide, tubewells play a crucial role in providing a sustainable and accessible water supply. Tubewells are a type of well that harnesses groundwater through the use of a tube or pipe. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of tubewells, their construction, functionality, and their significance in meeting water needs for various purposes.

What Is Tubewell?

A tubewell, also known as a borewell or deep well, is a narrow and deep well constructed to extract groundwater from underground aquifers. The term “tubewell” derives from the fact that a pipe or tube is inserted into the well to facilitate water extraction. The tube is usually made of materials like PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or steel, which are durable and can withstand the pressures of groundwater.

Construction And Functionality:

  1. Drilling: Tubewells are typically constructed by drilling into the ground using specialized drilling equipment. The depth of the well depends on the location and the desired water yield. Professional well drillers employ advanced techniques to penetrate through various layers of soil, sediment, and rock to reach the groundwater source.
  2. Casing and Screen: Once the drilling is complete, a casing is inserted into the hole to prevent it from collapsing. The casing, usually made of PVC or steel, provides structural support and maintains the integrity of the well. Additionally, a screen is placed near the bottom of the casing to allow water to enter while preventing the entry of debris or sediment.
  3. Pumping Mechanism: Tubewells are equipped with a pump system to extract groundwater. Submersible pumps are commonly used, which are placed inside the casing and submerged in water. The pump draws water from the aquifer and pushes it to the surface through pipes, delivering it for various uses such as irrigation, domestic consumption, or industrial purposes.

Significance Of Tubewells:

  1. Access to Groundwater: Tubewells provide a reliable and continuous source of groundwater, particularly in areas where surface water sources may be limited or unreliable. They help meet the water needs of communities, especially in rural areas where piped water supply systems may not be available.
  2. Agriculture and Irrigation: Tubewells play a vital role in agriculture, providing water for irrigation purposes. They facilitate the cultivation of crops, ensuring food security and supporting the livelihoods of farmers. Tubewells help farmers manage water resources efficiently and mitigate the risks associated with erratic rainfall patterns.
  3. Domestic Water Supply: In areas where municipal water supply systems are inadequate or inaccessible, tubewells serve as a primary source of clean water for domestic use. They provide communities with a convenient and self-sufficient solution to meet their daily water requirements.
  4. Industrial and Commercial Uses: Tubewells are essential for various industrial and commercial applications that require large volumes of water. They cater to the needs of manufacturing facilities, construction sites, and other industries that rely on a consistent water supply for their operations.

Challenges And Considerations:

While tubewells offer significant benefits, it is crucial to address certain challenges associated with their usage:

  1. Over-Extraction: Excessive extraction of groundwater can lead to the depletion of aquifers, causing long-term damage to water resources and ecosystems. Proper management and monitoring of groundwater levels are necessary to ensure sustainable use.
  2. Water Quality: The quality of groundwater extracted from tubewells can vary. It is important to regularly test and treat the water to ensure its safety and potability, as contamination from natural or anthropogenic sources can occur.
  3. Maintenance and Operational Costs: Tubewells require periodic maintenance and operational costs, including pump maintenance, electricity or fuel for powering the pumps, and repair work if necessary. Proper management and financial planning are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of tubewell systems.


Tubewells serve as a lifeline for communities, providing a reliable source of groundwater for various purposes. They contribute to agricultural productivity, domestic water supply, and industrial activities, playing a critical role in sustainable development. By understanding the construction, functionality, and significance of tubewells, we can appreciate the importance of these systems in meeting the water needs of communities and ensuring a sustainable water supply for generations to come.

Let’s find out more facts about interesting topics on Turnonx


What Is The Use Of Tubewell?

Tubewell are used to pump out water from ground and acquifer.

What Is The Meaning Of Well Tube?

noun. /ˈtjuːb wel/ /ˈtuːb wel/ ​a pipe with holes in the sides near the end, that is put into the ground and used with a pump operated by hand to bring water up from under the ground.

What Is The Difference Between A Deep Well And A Tube Well?

A dug well is a hole dug with a diameter large enough to allow a man to work, usually to a maximum depth of about 30 metres. A tube well is a perforated pipe with a pointed end which is either hammered or jetted into the ground.

What Is The Difference Between A Hand Pump And A Tube Well?



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